Public events

Public lectures and exhibitions will be held on the symposium topics 21-23 August, as part of activities commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Icelandic Meteorological Office.

On Sunday 21 August 2022, a public presentation will be given by writer and photographer James Balog, author of the award-winning documentary Chasing Ice. He is also the founder and director
of the Earth Vision Institute and Extreme Ice Survey.



Extreme Ice Survey 2005-2022:
A New Vision of Our Changing World
Silfurberg Auditorium, Harpa, 16:00-17:30

Open Facebook event

For 40 years, photographer James Balog has broken new conceptual and artistic ground on one of the most important issues of our era: human modification of nature. His latest film The Human Element, is an innovative and visually stunning look at how humanity interacts with earth, air, fire and water. The film premiered at the San Francisco Film Festival in April, 2018; it was commercially released in January 2019. James and his Extreme Ice Survey team are featured in the 2012 internationally acclaimed, Emmy award-winning documentary Chasing Ice and in the PBS/NOVA special, Extreme Ice. He is the author of ICE: Portraits of Vanishing Glaciers and seven other books. His photos have been extensively published in major magazines, including National Geographic, and exhibited at museums and galleries worldwide.



Bryggjan brugghús, Grandagarður 8, Reykjavík

Open Facebook event

Eric Rignot, Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir, Jason Box and Michael Zemp will share their experiences from the field and give the audience insight into glaciological work from a personal viewpoint. We hope to create a lively atmosphere at one of the local breweries in Reykjavík, where the audience can buy beer and be exposed to exciting stories from glacier work as well as improvised interpretation of data from various glaciated regions.



Talk for the general public in Iceland on research in Antarctica
Stjörnuverið, Perlan, Öskjuhlíð (in Icelandic)

Open Facebook event

Guðmundur Hilmar Guðmundsson is a glaciologist working in modelling the flow of large ice masses such as the Antarctic ice sheet. In his talk (given in Icelandic) Hilmar will discuss some recent findings relating to tipping points of the cryosphere, and in particular the possibility of abrupt and irreversible changes in the ice volume of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Hilmar is born in Iceland and currently holds a professorship in glaciology at Northumbria University in the UK. He has made several expeditions in Antarctica and worked on glaciers in the Alps and in Iceland.

Guðmundur Hilmar Guðmundsson er jöklafræðingur við Háskólann í Newcastle á Englandi. Hann vinnur að líkanreikningum á flæði jökla og áhrifum þeirra á umhverfið, einkum á hæð sjávarborðs. Hann er eðlisfræðingur að mennt, stundaði fyrst nám við Háskóla Íslands og síðan við ETH í Zurich. Guðmundur hefur farið nokkrar rannsóknarferðir til Suðurheimskautsins og einnig unnið á jöklum í Evrópu. Í erindi sínu mun Guðmundur fjalla fyrst og fremst um Suðurskautsjökulinn, núverandi þróun hans og líklegar breytingar í framtíð. Við ákveðnar aðstæður getur hegðun jökla breyst mjög skyndilega þegar komið er yfir ákveðin þröskuldsgildi hlýnunar og sjávarborðshækkunar. Getur þá rúmmálsrýrnun orðið svo ör að ekki verður aftur snúið. Þessi möguleiki hefur um langa hríð verið mikið áhyggjuefni og mun Guðmundur fjalla um þetta mál og þann möguleika að jöklar á Suðurheimskautinu geti farið að valda verulegri hækkun sjávarborðs í framtíðinni.

Aliquam eu elementum orci

Aenean quis pharetra orci. Sed sagittis tempus eros mollis lobortis. Aliquam eu elementum orci. Proin sit amet ultrices justo. Pellentesque at purus ipsum. Cras vitae magna id odio luctus blandit et eu tellus. In cursus laoreet pharetra. Morbi vitae neque risus. Quisque porta interdum neque quis rutrum. Mauris congue neque et malesuada elementum. Quisque condimentum semper scelerisque.Suspendisse eget ligula ullamcorper, aliquet arcu eget, feugiat magna. Morbi viverra fermentum sem, ut cursus ante egestas et. Suspendisse condimentum, elit ut sodales interdum, lectus arcu dignissim ante.

Aliquam eu elementum orci

Aenean quis pharetra orci. Sed sagittis tempus eros mollis lobortis. Aliquam eu elementum orci. Proin sit amet ultrices justo. Pellentesque at purus ipsum. Cras vitae magna id odio luctus blandit et eu tellus. In cursus laoreet pharetra. Morbi vitae neque risus. Quisque porta interdum neque quis rutrum. Mauris congue neque et malesuada elementum. Quisque condimentum semper scelerisque.Suspendisse eget ligula ullamcorper, aliquet arcu eget, feugiat magna. Morbi viverra fermentum sem, ut cursus ante egestas et. Suspendisse condimentum, elit ut sodales interdum, lectus arcu dignissim ante.